ATTORNEY NAME AND BAR NUMBER: Fill in only if an attorney represents the Petitioner. Read part 4 (on the Order). 5.Under "OTHER ORDERS": Leave blank for the Court to fill out. Arizona voters have approved a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion access up to fetal viability, typically after 21 weeks. Amendments to the Building Code. 1. Admission to the community college in Arizona may be granted to any person who meets at least one of the following criteria. The MAG Building Code Amendments and Standards (BCAS) is the result of the work of the MAG. The purpose of this Student Code of Conduct is to help ensure a productive and safe environment for students, employees, and visitors. Why do you believe our constitutional rights as spelled out in the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendments to the US Constitution are important to our freedom? Submitted on February 16, 2000.