A peace officer, without a warrant, may arrest a person if the officer has probable cause to believe: 1. A felony has been committed.Learn more about the types of warrants and how to find out if you have a warrant out for your arrest from Maricopa County Superior Courts. The authority to arrest depends on the existence of a crime or arrest warrant; without a crime or arrest warrant, there can be no arrest. "Probable cause" is the standard required for a law enforcement officer to make an arrest as it relates to DUI or other criminal charges. All felonies, and even some misdemeanors (domestic assaults, etc.) are crimes where suspects can be arrested without first getting a warrant. The judge may also issue an arrest warrant if there is reason to believe the offender will not voluntarily appear in court at the scheduled time. Arrest warrants are issued to police when a judge is presented with a sworn statement to establish a reasonable belief that a person has committed a crime. Arrest warrants: These are issued when there is probable cause to believe that a person has committed a crime. If the police have a search warrant or an arrest warrant, they will let you know immediately.