Online reporting can be utilized for the following non-emergency circumstances: If a suspect is known, do not file a report online, please call 520-568-3673. You can contact the City of Maricopa's non-emergency line at (520) 568-3673.Fill out the form below. To report a crime or request a call for service please contact 911. At the bottom of this page is a link to a form you may fill out and submit to let our employee know that what he or she did is appreciated. False arrest is a civil tort, or wrongdoing. This means that a victim of false arrest can file a civil lawsuit against an individual or entity. ARS § 13-2907.01 makes it a crime for a person to lie to a police officer or to file a false police report. Civil Complaint in Maricopa County Superior Court. You may use the forms on this page if the following factors apply to your situation.