1. Complete and sign the "Motion to Withdraw from Summary Consent Decree Process. " The form is in the Summary Consent Decree packet.All Self-Surrenders will report to the Intake, Transfer and Release facility, located at 2670 S. 28th Drive, Phoenix, Arizona 85009. Arizona extradtion laws are in place to arrest and deliver a person fleeing criminal charges in another county, state or country. Once the form is filled out and submitted to MCSO, the contractor shall be notified if approved and a jail access identification card will be issued. To fill out a petition for an Order of Protection or an Injunction Against. A scammer will send you a counterfeit check and ask you to deposit it into your account and wire part of the money back to them. The plaintiff's claim in a warrantless false arrest lawsuit arose from a sheriff s deputy s visit to her house to check on the welfare of her daughter. Here you will find forms for every case type. Forms for filing a case, answering a summons, entering a plea, even asking for a continuance or for an appeal.