Submit your completed claim form and supporting documentation to the Jury Commissioner for processing. Where can I report a fraudulent business or consumer fraud?Such calls are fake, and the only entity that would request fees associated with missing jury duty would be a judge in court. Alert Regarding Fake Notices of Electronic Filings (NEFs). ARS § 13-2702 is the Arizona statute defining the perjury crime. Please complete the online Contact, Qualifications and Excuses questionnaires (and Disability Questionnaire if needed). The following persons shall be excused temporarily from service as a juror if the judge or jury commissioner finds that any of the following applies. Maricopa Community Colleges requires you to submit a valid form of identification for authentication when enrolling and provides a list of acceptable IDs. At trial, the jury found the statements to be false and defamatory. The court of appeals affirmed Dombey's… Weimer v.