Question 1 amended the Declaration of Rights in the Maryland Constitution to add a new section that guarantees a right to reproductive freedom. Maryland voters will vote in November on Question 1, "The Right to Reproductive Freedom" constitutional amendment.Maryland's Right to Reproductive Freedom Amendment would add a new section to the Declaration of Rights in the Maryland Constitution. In November 2022, Marylanders voted to adopt a constitutional amendment to change the names of Maryland's two highest courts. Amendments to the Maryland Constitution of 1776 (Ratified 1792) ART. These court forms allow you to file and respond to court cases. Use the links below to find forms and to get help completing your forms. In November 2022, Marylanders voted to adopt a constitutional amendment to change the names of Maryland's two highest courts. Use the links below to find forms and to get help completing your forms. In the 2024 General Election, residents of Charles County will have the opportunity to decide on the form of the county government.