Under Maryland law, false imprisonment is generally defined as unlawfully detaining another person against his or her will. In Maryland, knowingly creating a false police report is a misdemeanor offense.For an arrest to be considered wrongful, law enforcement must have acted without cause or beyond the scope of their powers. Below is an example. The gravamen of plaintiffs' claims of false arrest and imprisonment is that the defendants arrested and detained plaintiffs without legal authority or consent. False arrest (sometimes called "wrongful arrest" or "unlawful arrest") is the unlawful restraint of a person's freedom of movement. A warrantless arrest is legally justified when a police officer makes the arrest as a result of a misdemeanor committed in the officer's. If an individual inhibits or prevents another's freedom of movement without their consent for any amount of time, he or she has falsely imprisoned that person. I rightfully had someone arrested for assault, then his girlfriend goes out and press false charges against me in retaliation. You are performing illegal activities; The officer has probable cause; A warrant is out for your arrest.