Phone Number, (410) 531-8052. Use this form to report suspected criminal activity.Be as specific and as detailed as possible. In my office, we'd black out the incorrect ZIP code, write the correct one in, and send it on to its destination. You must change your name within 30 days through the MVA's Driver Licensing System (DLS) prior to applying for any corrected documents. It's very helpful when some nosey website demands a valid US city and ZIP code before they'll give you somethings. The primary function of this API lies in validating, completing, and correcting addresses that were captured through your own processes. With ArcGIS you can use the spatial join tool (or in a script) to find which zip code polygons intersect with more than one state polygons. What should I do when I enter my ZIP code information and I get the wrong elected Representative? City, State, Zip Code.