A person between the ages of seven and eighteen charged with a criminal offense is considered a juvenile. Learn about the bail process for minors (children between 12 and 18) after they are arrested or detained.Juveniles are allowed bail, with some exceptions. Massachusetts law requires authorities immediately notify parents of the arrest of a juvenile. If you are the parent of a teenager who is accused of a crime in Massachusetts, you must contact a Woburn juvenile defense attorney at once. The chart below, based on 2015 data, shows how youth travel through the juvenile justice system in Massachusetts starting at the point of arrest. "Get a clear understanding of criminal sentencing guidelines in Massachusetts. Under Chapter 265-13L of the Massachusetts general statutes, you could face up to 2.5 years in prison for child endangerment. Felonies are considered more serious crimes than misdemeanors and carry harsher penalties. Free Consultation - Call 617.936.