Divide the class into small groups and have them complete the Guiding Questions for the Constitution and the Preamble, following the lesson. Display your Classroom Constitution in your room or add it to your learning management system.Read the chart about the U.S. Constitution and the Massachusetts Constitution. This Framework is built upon the foundation of the 2003 and 1997 Massachusetts History and Social Science Curriculum Frameworks. Constitution 101 Resources Lesson Plans, Classroom Activities, Videos, Constitution 101 Resources 1.5 Seven Methods of Constitutional Interpretation. America's leaders meet at a convention in Philadelphia and decide to write a radical new Constitution. A Declaration of the Rights of the Inhabitants of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Adams, it would turn out, had penned what would become the longest continuously operating written constitution in the world. In the years following the Declaration of Independence, 11 of the 13 original states established new constitutions. In what order did the States ratify the Constitution?