I know that in some states false imprisonment is a felony, but I could not find any Massachusetts statute making it a crime. Section 2 - False imprisonment; limitation on action.The state can certainly attempt to subpoena your medical records and prove to the Judge that they are relevant to the domestic violence case. All other crimes are misdemeanors. Can I Go to Prison for Assault and Battery Charges? It is to be noted that, there is no necessity in a false imprisonment case to prove that a person used physical violence or laid hands on another person. A person who commits domestic violence against a family or household member in Massachusetts can face arrest, detention, jail time, and restraining orders. In Massachusetts, suspected offenders must be held for at least six hours if arrested for domestic violence. I was a victim of domestic violence and did not press charges, however the state did. You must see the crime occur and have absolute knowledge that the infraction is a felony.