Who is eligible to serve jury duty? Important Juror Fraud Information.Instructions before and during trial, general final instructions, definitions and proofs - final instructions, evaluation of evidence - final instructions. You MUST complete the online juror questionnaire and request to be excused. Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 269, Section 13A, punishes those who knowingly and intentionally make a false report of a crime to the police. In the US, the court gives the juror a paper acknowledging his or her appearance; make a copy of that paper to submit to the boss. The thing is, though, as a juror, how do I know whether I'm on one of the "right" trials or one of the "wrong" ones? Getting out of jury duty is really as simple as giving the judge an honest reason to believe that you can't be fair. If a judge gives the jury the wrong legal standards to apply or otherwise improper instructions, they may find a defendant guilty. To defend against simple assault charges based on false accusations, team up with your lawyer to devise an effective defense strategy.