To issue a Warrant For Arrest, the user must set Probable Cause and enter a Date Issued. If there is no warrant for your arrest, the police must have reasonable suspicion or probable cause to justify seizing you.Determine probable cause if arrest was without a warrant. For Mecklenburg County, you can visit the sheriff's website, enter your name, and learn if there's a pending arrest warrant. Arrest warrants are court documents required to execute arrests. In certain situations, police may be able to perform a warrantless blood draw in NC DWI arrests. I check the mecklenburg county sheriff websit and saw that I have a warrant out there for harassing phone call. That "process" may, in fact, be an Order for Arrest or what criminal defense attorneys commonly refer to as an "OFA. In order to be arrested for a criminal offense a police officer must have probable cause. Probable cause is a legal standard less than reasonable doubt.