In Mecklenburg County, citizens who are summoned for jury service may access the interactive juror website at Petit (Trial) Jury FAQ.Can I complete this summons form online? A PETIT jury is a trial jury for both civil and criminal cases. The PETIT jury listens to the evidence offered during a trial and returns a verdict. This part of the booklet explains where to sue, which complaint form to use, how to fill in the proper legal forms, how to file the claim, and how to get the. Next, I will define the crimes charged in this case, explain the law that applies to those definitions, and spell out the elements of each charged crime. Jury service information for Minnesota District Courts. At least 10 people were shot outside a Queens night club on New Year's Day, according to the NYPD. The circuit court case information viewable on OCIS 2.0 is provided with the consent of the participating circuit court clerks.