A YES vote on this amendment: A yes vote would enshrine the right to hunt and fish in the Florida State Constitution. There's a person on one side of the table filling.The 2024 Primary Election and City of Miami Referendum Special Election will be held on August 20, 2024. Stop source for all information relating to the MiamiDade Courts' response to the coronavirus disease COVID19 pandemic. Civil, Family and Probate Courts Online System. Party Name, Local Case Number, State Case Number, Hearing. The Miami-Dade Democratic Party is proud to announce the election of Laura Kelley as its new Chair. Amendment 4 maintained the existing constitutional provision that permitted a law requiring parents to be notified before a minor can receive an abortion. The ballots from all precincts have been tabulated. Administrative Memos have been issued in various court divisions regarding the introduction of evidence in remote court proceedings.