Visit the Initiatives website for information on how to: Register as a paid petition circulator or access petition forms once registered. Every voter in the state will have their say on three constitutional amendments.Proposed Amendment 1 would require members of district school boards to be elected in partisan elections, with their political party designated on the ballot. A list of constitutional amendments or initiatives that are actively seeking ballot position for the next regularly scheduled general election. Every voter in the state will have their say on three constitutional amendments. The deadline to return a filledout ballot is 7pm on Election Day. Amendment 4 maintained the existing constitutional provision that permitted a law requiring parents to be notified before a minor can receive an abortion. Declared invalid because of an unsubstantial defect in the wording of the amendment. Ballot Language: "Proposing amendments to the State Constitution to require members of a district school board to be elected in a partisan election rather. Voters weren't just deciding on officials, they were also casting their ballots for or against six constitutional amendments.