Regardless of how a measure makes it to the ballot, all amendments require a 60 percent voting majority to pass. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA.The Miami-Dade County Home Rule Amendment to the Florida State Constitution was adopted November 6, 1956. That changed in November 2018 when over five million Floridians voted in favor Amendment 4 to our state constitution. The proposed amendment must then be submitted to the Division of Elections for review to determine if it is written in the proper legal format. IN THE COUNTY COURT IN AND FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. Florida has one of the most inequitable tax systems in the nation, ranking 48th among all states. Miami-Dade County is currently the only charter county under s. (d) to comply with established public policy set forth in the Florida or United States Constitution or statutes or. Florida rules or case law. Fla.