This is a 2 page quiz for Florida's 4th graders. Students will learn how Florida is on its sixth constitution with its current version established in 1968, and how slavery affected the number of version.Students will describe how the United States and Florida Constitutions establish the structure, function, powers and limits of government. These grade level standards are included in the Miami-Dade County Public Schools' District Pacing Guides that support classroom instruction. Clarification 2: Students will explain how the Declaration of Rights in the Florida Constitution protects the rights of citizens. Have your students fill out the appropriate Student Mock Election Voter. Section shall not be construed to fill the vacancy in the Office of Mayor. Program Objectives: After completing the Constitution and Our Community program with the National Archives, students will be better able to:. Designee must report the incident to the Miami-Dade Schools. Police. A. The name of Dade County shall officially be changed to MiamiDade County and all references to.