Contact us online or call (305) 570-4802 for a free consultation with an experienced Miami false imprisonment defense attorney. Kidnapping and false imprisonment, if convicted, can lead to long prison terms.For any questions, call the 24-Hour Miami-Dade County Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 500-1119. Suffered false imprisonment? Looking for a Miami false imprisonment civil rights lawyer? CALL US NOW for a CONFIDENTIAL INITIAL CONSULTATION at (305) 5384545, or take a moment to fill out our confidential and secure intake form. Learn about the charge for false imprisonment in Florida and how you can fight it with Leppard Law's dedicated legal assistance. Stalking or Harassment: Repeatedly following or contacting someone in a way that causes fear or distress. Essentially, unless you're a cop you cannot legally restrain another person. Today at (305) 570-4802or contact us online to schedule a consultation with our Miami domestic violence attorneys.