Fill out the card completely. 9. Make out a money order or check to the State of Michigan for the application.Determine whether you are eligible to have your conviction set aside. You can check your public criminal history record using ICHAT. Many counties around Michigan have free expungement fair events where you can talk with a lawyer who will help you fill out your application. (8) The applicant shall submit a copy of the application and 1 complete set of fingerprints to the department of state police. Once a dismissal takes place for a crime where charges are dismissed before trial, the individual's ICHAT must be updated to remove the arrest record. I asked my lawyer if he could get it removed from there but he said that dismissed charges could not be removed or deleted, unlike convictions. The best way to remove the arrest would be with a lawyer who has experience getting these records corrected. 2482636800. To fix a mistake on your MSP criminal record, you must show proof of that mistake.