A person commits the crime of unlawful imprisonment if he or she knowingly restrains another person under any of the following circumstances. A false arrest occurs when police or law enforcement officials do not have the justification for taking you into custody.When a person is subjected to a false arrest or imprisonment, it violates their Fourth Amendment rights. That's unacceptable. False arrest is a type of false imprisonment and shares all the same elements (learn more in our article Civil Lawsuits for False Imprisonment). Under Michigan law, a person may be found guilty of unlawful imprisonment if they intentionally restrain another individual under certain circumstances. Filing a False Police Report includes false reports of crime (such as untruthfully claiming that an assault or domestic violence occurred) The mere fact that you were found not guilty is insufficient to take legal action. False arrest, sometimes known as false imprisonment or wrongful arrest, occurs when someone wrongfully holds you against your will or takes you into custody. (B) Place of Arraignment.