A person commits the crime of unlawful imprisonment if he or she knowingly restrains another person under any of the following circumstances. Charged with illegal possession of a firearm?You face serious penalties. The information within this guide is required to be provided to CPL applicants. Whether Federal or State Law prohibits the sale or disposition of a firearm to you. Certain violations of the Gun Control Act, 18 U.S.C. § 921 et. seq. Our laws contain notable gaps that allow individuals who have demonstrated a significant risk of violence to possess firearms. Penal code MCL 750.224f sets out gun restrictions depending on the type of felony that the conviction was for. Prohibit anyone convicted of a felony and anyone subject to a domestic violence protective order from possessing a firearm. It is unlawful to carry a handgun concealed on or about one's person or concealed or openly in a vehicle without a license to carry a concealed pistol.