The information on this page is about juries in Michigan's state courts. However, you may also be called to serve on a federal jury.Jury questionnaires must be filled out completely and returned within 20 days of the postmark on questionnaire. We are pleased to provide an electronic copy of the criminal jury instructions presently in use for criminal trials. This booklet is designed to answer the most frequently asked questions about how trials work and what jurors do. Juror Scam Warning: Please be on the lookout for fraudulent phone calls or emails regarding jury service. "Individuals who are merely summoned for jury duty and have not yet participated in a case are not jurors for purposes of MCL 750.120a(1). Seats in the jury box. How do I find out if my jury service has been canceled or postponed in a snow emergency? Defendant, a striking employee, was convicted of breach of the peace arising out of an assault on non-striking employees.