The information on this page is about juries in Michigan's state courts. However, you may also be called to serve on a federal jury.Jury questionnaires must be filled out completely and returned within 20 days of the postmark on questionnaire. Michigan law (MCL 600.1348) makes it unlawful for any employer to fire or harass an employee who is summoned to court to serve as a juror. Call the Jury Assist Line at (800) 446-8713 for information. Notice to fill out Juror Questionnaire (was not a formal summon) in Michigan on May 20th. Committee on Model Civil Jury Instructions. Jury service is a civic duty which every citizen must perform. Every citizen who has either a Michigan driver's license or State ID card is eligible to serve. If he suspects you forged it, he can call up the jury coordinator at the courthouse and they will tell him it is legit.