This lesson explores the background of both case decisions and opinions. Students will compare and contrast the circumstances and rulings in each of the cases.This handout has students learn about the 14th Amendment 's equal protections clause and then read about and analyze several seminal Supreme Court decisions. Justice Frankfurter argued that the Fourteenth Amendment does not require incorporation of any provision of the Bill of Rights. Articulation agreements between MCC and a four-year school guarantees that the classes you complete at MCC will be accepted at your transfer institution. We are an independent branch of government constitutionally entrusted with the fair and just resolution of disputes in order to preserve the rule of law. Such facts may be included in a party's memorandum of law even though they are not in the statement. b. Local government is a leader in problem-solving and innovation. II. The right to keep and bear arms embodied in the New Hampshire Constitution is just as emphatic. Such a provision in a separation agreement.