Severino presents two conflicting theories of false arrest. If you have been arrested or imprisoned wrongly, contact a law firm that specializes in false arrest immediately.This complete walkthrough and FAQ on the New Jersey criminal case process. Keep reading to learn how all this will unfold, what to expect, and how to prepare. Complaint forms are currently available in 11 languages. Landlord(s) must complete a Case Information Statement and file it with the court with the complaint. Many judges will issue a default simply for showing up late, or appearing at the wrong courthouse. Civil cases in which monetary damages are not being sought are heard in the General Equity Division of Superior Court. At least 15 people were put behind bars before 2024 came to a close. Dzhokhar "Jahar" Anzorovich Tsarnaev (born July 22, 1993) is an American terrorist of Chechen and Avar descent who perpetrated the Boston Marathon bombing.