The very first thing you should do after a false imprisonment charge is to call your attorney. A restraining order in Middlesex County, NJ, can impact your custody rights.Call 888-535-3686 for help now. We can provide you with samples of court forms that are available. We can provide you with guidance on how to fill out forms. False imprisonment consists of knowingly restraining another person unlawfully in a way that interferes substantially with their liberty. You might also need permission from law enforcement to travel internationally, or even out of state. Body Worn Cameras (BWCs) serve a vital role for both the law enforcement community, inmate population in the facility, as well as society. 2C:13-2 of the NJ Criminal Code of Justice, is often tied to additional charges for kidnapping and false imprisonment. Middlesex County, Civil Action No. 09-4863 (FLW), see flags on bad law, and search Casetext's comprehensive legal database.