Complaint Form for Individual Complaints at MN DOC Facilities. The false imprisonment crime in Minnesota is a very consequential offense, leading to custody time and possible sex offender registration.Fill out and file the Request for Hearing on Emergency ERPO (ERP202). Last time I was caught with a gun in Minnesota was as follows: Me: "Officer K, I'm carrying a concealed handgun. A criminal "Complaint" and a Grand Jury "Indictment" are the two main types of charging documents in Minnesota. Depends WHY the police took your gun. Did they take it as EVIDENCE in a criminal case? The officers were entitled to summary judgment on a false arrest claim when the plaintiff presented no evidence of any inaccuracy in the radar gun. This will limit the time in custody, the amount of any bail imposed, and create a strong start to the overall criminal case. Access information on forms and permits from the Law Enforcement and Corrections Agency.