Voters will have the following constitutional amendment ballot instructions and question on their ballot on November 5, 2024. Adopted October 13, 1857.Generally Revised November 5, 1974. 2 Congress, first in. We, the Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, consisting of the Chippewa Indians of the White Earth, Leech Lake,. Keywords: The Amendment of the Constitution: Article 368, L. Chandra Kumar vs Union Of India And Others, 1997, Constitutional Competence. If forming a Public Benefit Corporation as a 302A and 304A, please note that forms are not available for this filing type. Ambedkar, the Chief Architect of Indian Constitution was a scholar par excellence, a philosopher, a visionary, an emancipator and a true nationalist. A constituent assembly is a body assembled for the purpose of drafting or revising a constitution. The correct answer is MN Venkatachaliah.