The false imprisonment crime in Minnesota is a very consequential offense, leading to custody time and possible sex offender registration. Compare the best False Imprisonment in Minnesota.Use our free directory to instantly connect with verified False Imprisonment attorneys. Kidnapping and false imprisonment are crimes that involve physical restraint and intrude on the liberty interests of victims. (3) The applicant must completely fill out these forms, sign them, and have his or her signature notarized if indicated. In order to evict a tenant, a landlord must first bring an "Eviction Action," or what used to be called an "Unlawful Detainer" action, against the tenant. Eviction Actions (Unlawful Detainer). But, few know what it means and how it's applied in the law. Self-defense in Minnesota is a complete defense to a charge if raised successfully. In his opposition, however, Spann's false imprisonment arguments focus only on a state-law claim of false imprisonment.