The amendment shall be known as and may be cited as the. Alabama Religious Freedom Amendment.The authority to amend the Constitution of the United States is derived from Article V of the Constitution. Section 5 of Article XI-A of the Maryland Constitution, §7-102(c)(3)(i) of the Election. Every citizen has a right to bear arms in defense of himself and the State. Alabama Constitution of 1901 Montgomery County Section 6.70. Read the code on FindLaw. Fair Ballot Commission 2024 Statewide November 5, 2024, General Election Constitutional Amendment Ballot Statements. (e) The Judges shall have all the powers now vested in the Orphans' Courts of the State, subject to such changes as the Legislature may prescribe. Thus, the amendment clarified Article Ill, Section 2 of the Constitution, which gives diversity jurisdiction to the judiciary to hear cases "between a state and.