1. Where can I have my CRN Evaluation completed and do the Alcohol Highway Safety School? If you are facing your first offense in PA, call and schedule a consultation with a Montgomery County first offense DUI lawyer to discuss your case.Contact me at (215) 752-5282 for a free initial consultation or fill out the confidential contact form for an immediate response. Information about what happens after charged with DUI for the first time in Montgomery County, PA. Get a free consultation - 610-566-5956. Here are your legal rights if pulled over and suspected of driving under the influence in MD. Call a Montgomery County DUI lawyer to learn more. Information on the DUI legal process after a DUI arrest in Montgomery County PA. Free consultations from our DUI Lawyers: 610-566-5956. If you facing a DUI matter call (215) 542-0800 for a FREE consultation. The decisions you make in the first few days after your arrest regarding your driving privileges may result in the loss of your CDL. Depending on the specifics of the case, a judge may impose different penalties for a first DUI conviction. A police officer can also arrest a person without actually catching a suspect in the commission of a crime.