Please return this application as soon as possible, but no later than June 14 at noon. Schedule changes for the holiday celebrating Independence Day on Thursday, July 4: County officesClosed.The annual Independence Day Parade will march through Montgomery on Monday, July 4. The spirit of independence and patriotism come alive on the 4th of July in Montgomery! Philadelphia, home to the creation and signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, celebrates July 4th in a big way. - Fireworks show across town at the Homeplace clock tower, 2000 Constitution Ave. It sat in Montgomery, Alabama, until May 21, 1861, when it adjourned to meet in Richmond, Virginia, on July 20, 1861. A collection of more than a dozen people's history stories from July 4th beyond 1776. Note: Community fireworks displays in Maryland and Virginia are scheduled before, on and after July 4. The annual parade begins at am at 7th Street and travels up Constitution Ave to 17th Street.