Most criminal domestic violence cases start with an arrest and criminal charges for Domestic Violence Acts. There is no crime called domestic violence.The mandatory arrest law has one possible exception: if you and the alleged victim were both involved in the incident. Upon being arrested, the police will have the complainant (the party – husband, wife, boyfriend, etc. It is best to speak to a domestic violence counselor before going to court. A counselor can help you with your court papers and a safety plan. You can get an order of protection from a Family Court, a court that hears criminal cases, or a Supreme Court. To schedule a case evaluation with Law Firm of Gianni Karmily, PLLC, call 516-630-3405 or fill out the form on this website. This means that, if a domestic violence call is placed, responding law enforcement personnel are required to arrest you if they have probable cause to do so. Domestic Violence in Long Island and Nassau County.