Unlawful imprisonment in the second degree is defined as unlawfully restraining another person. After you tell the clerk at the front desk you are there, you will be given forms to fill out, including one to write down the incidents of violence.False imprisonment can also be part of other crimes such as kidnapping, domestic violence, sexual assault, assault, and battery. Federal False Imprisonment. If you are falsely accused of domestic violence crimes in New York, a Nassau County domestic violence attorney can potentially help. Domestic violence is defined as violence between people who have some sort of or intimate relationship. These charges can often accompany crimes relating to domestic violence or kidnapping, and prosecutors will often pursue the maximum punishment in such cases. New York dramatically changed its criminal law procedures when it implemented a "mandatory arrest" law for cases involving domestic violence. Unlawful Imprisonment in the First Degree is a New York criminal offense imposing harsh penalties on anyone who restrains another person. Attorney in a civil case about prison abuse.