Pursuant to Section 3142(c)(3), the Court "may at any time amend the order to impose additional or different conditions of release. The indictment in this case arises out of an alleged conspiracy to suppress and eliminate competition for the services of nurses.Raul Lopez is serving a threeyear term of supervised release as part of his sentence for a 2018 feloninpossessionofafirearm conviction. Defendent was charged with violating the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990, which prohibited the carrying of firearms in school zones. Justia ' US Law ' Case Law ' Nevada Case Law ' Nevada Court of Appeals Decisions ' 2023 ' Lopez v. Lopez. Our litigation experts track gun safety cases moving through courts across the country to keep you up to date on the latest legal developments. The State of Nevada ex rel. Nevada, 73 U.S. (6 Wall.) 35 (1868); Edwards v. "The weight of such a judgment in a particular case," the.