Filing a False Police Report – NRS 207.280: Specifically addresses making false statements to police officers, which can lead to charges under this statute. I was arrested for DUI and I registered 00 on the breathalyzer and no other evidence was found.Can I sue the state highway patrol for false arrest? This post explains what you should do if you've been falsely arrested in Las Vegas. This information will help you get out of jail quickly. If you are arrested and falsely accused of drunk driving, you need to hire a criminal defense attorney knowledgeable in DUI law. The Defenders are here to help. Under NRS § 207.280, Nevada law makes it a misdemeanor to knowingly make a false police report that causes law enforcement to conduct an investigation. In most cases, officers need to observe probable cause, such as erratic driving or failure of a sobriety test, before making an arrest for DUI. After your arrest, you will be taken to a local detention facility, such as the Clark County Detention Center in Las Vegas or the Las Vegas City Jail.