However, Nevada courts likely consider felony false imprisonment to be a "crime of violence. This statute defines the offense of false imprisonment and sets forth the penalties that a defendant convicted of this crime could face in the state of Nevada.Domestic violence includes: multiple acts ("course of conduct") that are committed with the intention of harassing you. If you are charged with any form of domestic violence, you need to contact an attorney immediately. In Nevada, the laws dealing with crimes or allegations of Battery Constituting Domestic Violence are different than almost every other type of crime. Wrongfully Detained in a Las Vegas Casino? Self-defense is a defense to assault or battery charges. 4. Immigration Consequences. False imprisonment;; injuring or killing an animal;; stalking;; burglary; or; home invasion. Domestic violence offenses in Nevada include but are not limited to battery, assault, coercion, sexual assault, stalking, and false imprisonment.