Making a false arrest is a type of police misconduct. Police who engage in misconduct should be held accountable.We can tell you if you have a case or not within five minutes, Call (866) 288-9529. If you are subject to a false arrest or other police misconduct in New York City, you may need the help of a civil rights lawyer. False arrest is a police misconduct charge and often doesn't include any physical injuries to the victim. ' Are police officers ever reprimanded for false arrests which leads to nothing in the court? No it is not necessarily a false arrest. We fight NYPD false arrest, wrongful prosecution, police brutality and NYPD misconduct. We sue NYPD- you don't pay until we win! Instead the law requires only that the individual be: 1) detained to a confined area; 2) without consent; 3) and without proper legal authority to arrest.