Next, I will define the crime(s) charged in this case, explain the law that applies to those definitions, and spell out the elements of each charged crime. What would happen if after deliberations in a jury trial, if the jury were to come back with a verdict of innocent instead of just not guilty?It wasn't something that was pre-determined during jury selection. Scammers call pretending to be court officials demanding payment for failing to report for jury duty. This handbook provides information concerning the jury experience in the trial courts of New York State. Consider the following example: Suppose you represent an African-American who was severely injured in a boating accident. Travis County's award winning jury impaneling system just got better! We've added features to keep you up to date on your jury assignment. Juries are used in some coroners inquests, civil cases in the High Court and serious criminal cases in the Crown Court. If you have received a jury summons you must pre-register below.