You can create a US account even if you live outside of the US. When asked for the address just put the address of an hotel in the US. As long as I buy US games, everything works fine.However, if I buy an Australian game, it all falls apart since the regions do not match up. In this video I'm going to show you how to find your current region or country on your playstation 4 or 5 and then change your region. Find out what steps to take if you think someone may have accessed your account, or you do not recognize a payment to PlayStationâ„¢Store. Just go behind him and the triangle will go away or reset. Then plant the document. Comes with controller, power cord and HDMI cable. You can make a special arrangement with the postmaster if you are not able to pick up your mail. Error, you may have to wait up to 30 days to establish a new connection.