" It's important to understand key differences in New York law for those falsely accused of domestic violence or domestic abuse. A criminal defense attorney plays a crucial role in defending individuals against false accusations of domestic violence.False accusations of domestic violence in New York City can be incredibly frustrating to deal with. Our attorneys are here to help. Where a false claim of a theft, violent crime, domestic violence or abduction is made, the consequences can be dire. Is an ex-spouse saying you abuse your child in an attempt to get sole custody? Domestic violence cases in New York are not like other criminal law cases. One important step following any arrest over a false accusation of domestic violence is to gather all evidence for a defense as quickly as possible. If you're accused of domestic violence or abuse, you have the right to work with a criminal defense attorney to prove your side of the story. If you have been falsely accused of domestic violence, it is essential to know your rights and how to properly defend yourself.