The citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment was specifically intended to repeal the Dred Scott decision. The Fourteenth Amendment (1868) recognized Black people as citizens and outlined basic rights.That debate is instructive for several reasons. North Carolina ballots will include a ballot measure to change the wording of the state constitution to state that only citizens may vote in elections. "The Supreme Court was correct to deny North Carolina's last-ditch effort to undermine African-American voter participation in the November election. Just as with the vehicle tags, the driver's license may be issued in the name of the Washitaw Nation, North Carolina American. The legislative power of the State shall be vested in the General Assembly, which shall consist of a Senate and a House of Representatives. Sec. 2. So why, then, did North Carolina newspapers continue to publicize commonly known facts? The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was rooted in the struggle of Americans of African descent to obtain basic rights of citizenship in the nation. The 14th Amendment was necessary to make clear that Black people, as well as anyone born in the country or naturalized, were American citizens.