(a) No person shall sell the remains of an unborn child resulting from an abortion or a miscarriage or any aborted or miscarried material. In 1973, the Supreme Court held that the Fifth Amendment's due process clause includes a right to privacy in Roe v.You fill out the papers and speak to the judge for yourself, without any help. Form part of a unitary scheme regulating abortion in North. Carolina. Roe held that the abortion right is part of a right to privacy that springs from the First, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and. Fourteenth Amendments. Total Abortion Bans and Bans Based on Gestational Duration Currently in Effect. This could decide whether legislators in North Carolina or any other state can have more power to restrict abortion. During the second trimester, the Court held that a state may regulate abortion if the regulations are reasonably related to the health of the pregnant person. The Fourteenth Amendment (Amendment XIV) to the United States Constitution was adopted on July 9, 1868, as one of the Reconstruction Amendments.