Results showed that NC voters voted to pass the constitutional amendment that was on the ballot while Guilford County voters voted against a sales tax increase. The amendment will change the North Carolina Constitution to say that "only" citizens can vote, instead of "every" citizen can vote.The State's power of taxation is vested in the General Assembly. SESSION LAW 2018-119 AN ACT TO AMEND THE NORTH CAROLINA CONSTITUTION TO PROVIDE THAT THE MAXIMUM TAX RATE ON INCOMES CANNOT EXCEED SEVEN PERCENT. You can use a copy of your original return or one of the additional report forms provided in the back of your tax payment forms booklet to make the corrections. It is already illegal for noncitizens to vote in federal or state elections. Please fill out this form to schedule your tour. Letter of Map Revision Based on Fill. Courses of instruction in the Constitution of the United States. 246 The amendment not only provides the.