The Fourth Amendment protects your right to privacy. The search warrant allows them to search the third-floor apartment of a suspect.The police officers go up to the third floor, enter, and then start searching. The Fourth Amendment requirement, officers must have specific facts which can be articulated in court or in a sworn statement (affidavit). California search and seizure laws protect you from unreasonable police intrusion into your home, vehicles, person and other property. The Fourth Amendment's rule against unreasonable searches and seizures mean the police cannot search you or your vehicle unless one of the following is true. Violation of the 4th Amendment does not result in suppression of evidence if a police officer makes a "reasonable" mistake about the law. It provides as follows: "The complete interrogation of a public safety officer may be recorded. We provide the first scholarly analysis of how Fourth Amendment rules concerning use of force apply to medical practitioners who partner with law enforcement. Police arrested Herring based on an outstanding warrant listed in a neighboring county's database.