The phone number at CPRA is (510) 238-3159. Office hours are Monday through Friday, a.m.Report a Crime Online. Report a non-emergency crime, or add more information to a current police report. To report a crime that has or may have occurred in California, dial 9-1-1 or contact your local law enforcement agency. To file a complaint against a local police department, contact the Internal Affairs division or a civilian oversight board. To report a crime that has already happened, call the non-emergency number 510-777-3333, or fill in OPD's Online Crime Reporting form. To file a police misconduct lawsuit, you need to first gather evidence to support your claim. If you have a complaint against a police officer or sheriff's deputy, you should first direct your complaint to the local law enforcement agency. Defendants assert that they had probable cause to arrest Plaintiff and therefore Plaintiffs false arrest and malicious prosecution claims cannot survive.