Direct Arguments and Rebuttal Arguments are printed in the Voter Information Guide. Map Amendment Application Form.The application form can be filled out electronically using Adobe. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly proposing an amendment to section 11 of article 1 of the constitution, in relation to equal protection. This section provides instructions to assist an applicant in properly completing the Future Land Use. Map Amendment Application Form. Orange Jacobs, a radical Republican, observed that many Oregonians "start up affrighted at the idea of a negro voting. For formfillseal pouches, three adjacent specimens shall be cut from each sideseal and each endseal of each pouch in the sample. Contact the appropriate SRO or jurisdiction, if you have questions about the Form U4. Amendments effected since the Constitution was enacted in 1937 up to the time of printing of this edition (January 2020) are listed below.