No person shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law. Concurrent Resolution of the Senate and Assembly proposing an amendment to section 11 of article 1 of the constitution, in relation to equal protection.In this activity, students will analyze historical records of Congress and the U.S. Government to understand the sequence of steps in the amendment process. 5, 2024, general election, which includes 16 proposed amendments. Ratified February 3, 1913. First, click "Show Hints" to reveal the steps of the amendment process. The United States Constitution was written "to endure for ages to come" Chief Justice John Marshall wrote in the early 1800s. Article 97 of the Amendments to the Massachusetts Constitution (Art. In the original draft of the Bill of Rights, what is now the First Amendment occupied third place. Some require that amendments secure the backing of a majority of legislators, whereas others require supermajority legislative support.