4 The proposed amendment as it passed the House contained no such provision, and it was decided in the Senate to include language like that finally adopted. 14th amendment protects travel, not driving.You are not being harassed, you are being subjected to the laws like the rest of us. The Due Process Clause provides that no states shall deprive any "person" of "life, liberty or property" without due process of law. You do not need a license to travel (a right), however, you do need one to drive a motor vehicle (a privilege, not a right). The constitutional right to interstate travel is considered a fundamental right. (a) Satisfies the criteria for receiving and maintaining a license to carry a concealed weapon or concealed firearm under s. Laws to revise or amend shall set out in full the revised or amended act, section, subsection or paragraph of a subsection. Visit the Radiation Machine Registration Information System to access registration information and complete fee payments. No development shall be undertaken without prior authorization pursuant to this Code. SEC.